Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 11

Andrew had a very busy day...very.  The action was endless and now he is exhausted...we are exhausted by all of the action.  Debra and Jason came from physio and gave him a good workout.  He got to go outside and enjoy a little of the beautiful California sunshine.  A little chest physio, some more physical therapy, meals, more doctor visits, massages from dad to loosen up the sore back and neck from being in a bed for 11 days...phew.  Hopefully, a good night of sleep for the young man.
Meghan's artwork
Some goodies...thanks!

The other big highlights included a visit from one of Andrew's friends, Meghan.  Her artwork is below.  Andrew apparently stood her up last week and went to the hospital instead...but he was forgiven.  Some beautiful food was brought by and we will eat well over the next few days.  Andrew's coxie from the CanAMex crew sent a Wisconsin  fuzzy blanket and Andrew was probably the most comfortable in a bed that we have seen him even in traitor colours...thanks.  Wyatt brought over a signed Cal tank top with all of the Crew on the shirt and it is decorating his room.

Thanks to all of Andrew's supporters.   
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  1. I have noticed the blogs have "lightened up" a bit which is a sign we are on the road to recovery. What is it about boys, my grandsons would have had bacon and pizza on their list as well, however, Ken would have had nuts and berries on his! I think of you often and wish I could do something to make it easier for both of you and for Andrew. I have a special soft spot in my heart for him. Looking forward to the next post.

  2. Andrew's progress has been amazing. We've been following your blog daily and we are so thankful to know what is going on and to see his progress. I know it would be so trying as parents going through this whole experience and such an emotional experience for you and your family. Whatever you need, please let us know, but know that we are constantly keeping Andrew in our thoughts. Go Andrew Go!

  3. Good to hear you keep improving Andrew!


  4. We are still here...reading and cheering. Go Bears.

  5. Dear Crowley family,
    You've been on my mind every day this past week. It's been so heartening to read about the steady improvement by Andrew. Please give Andrew a "way to go!" hug from me.

    Cathy Grunlund

  6. Hi Andrew, Steve, Marcie,
    Each day, more encouraging news...Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help with Andrew's homecoming. We are stocking up on pizza and bacon for you, Andrew! I know it's hard but keep working. Everything you do, no matter how 'small' it seems, is valuable and is moving you forward. Much love from Chris, Andrea, Dan, Ben, Gavin & Sarah

  7. I can't miss a day to comment as I feel connected to you knowing you are reading these encouraging words daily.Wow you must be so tired,as must Andrew, even though baby steps,
    the progress in 11 days has been amazing!The sunshine must feel so good and Vit.D for those healing bones is a must! I am working on a "healthy version" of the bacon pizza Andrew ok?

    Take care, hugs and love,
    Jennifer, Blair, Tara and Amy

  8. Seems my message of last night was lost to cyberspace....will try again.
    I was so thrilled to hear that you all got outside for some fresh air (great for your lungs Andrew) and warm Californian sun. Imagine it felt wonderful. Having your own private masseuse sounds pretty wonderful too Andrew!. Hang in there Marcie and Steve your turn will come.
    Your regular updates of Andrew's steady gains are so inspiring. I know you have a team of support there at the hospital but you 3 deserve a HUGE Bravo! Great courage; keep it up. We're cheering!
    Jennifer and family

  9. Marci and Steve, I read the blogs daily and smile with Andrew's progress. He comes from great genes... He will continue to amaze the staff at the hosptial I am confident. I think of you both and wish with all my heart I was closer to help in some way. Keep up the strength and hard work, know this is so exhausting for Andrew. Do not forget that your Virginia family is here cheering the entire Crowly family! We love you guys... A Big Hey Ya'll is sent your way! Marci, if you have any down time, give me a call. Much love.... Vicki, Larry, Ryan, Matt and Jessica.....

  10. Dear Marcie and Steve, I just found out about your blog and read your entire journey. You are an extremely strong family and are able to get through anything. Andrew is amazing! I know how children can astound us with their strength in the ICU. Our thoughts are with you and Andrew during his recovery.
    Take Good Care,
    Raisa & Alexis David and the girls
